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Meeting of EALU-AER Project Members with IFATCA

Shannon, Ireland – In a significant stride towards advancing the future of aviation, the EALU-AER project had the opportunity, in February 2023, to meet with esteemed stakeholders: International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers\’ Associations (IFATCA). Hosted by The Irish Aviation Authority, this hybrid meeting brought together key partners of the EALU-AER project, including Future Mobility Campus Ireland (FMCI), Collins Aerospace, Avtrain, DeepBlue, and The Shannon Airport Group. The meeting aimed to discuss various perspectives on U-space and the plan of deploying the first Irish Digital Sky Demonstrator under the SESAR JU programme and foster future collaboration between various entities.

IFATCA meet the EALU AER SESAR project @IAApress

Eugenio Diotalevi IFATCA RPA-TF Coord
Peter Van Royan IFATCA EVP Prof
Russell Vickers – CEO FMCI
Diarmuid Ó Conchubhair FMCI
Cathal Mac Criostail IAA
John Drysdale Shannon Airport Authority
Javier Camacho Font, Collins aero

— IATCA_IRE (@Iatca_ire) February 13, 2023

The event kicked off with an engaging presentation by the EALU-AER project team, outlining the project\’s ambition and objectives. Attendees were captivated as they learned about the advancements envisaged in the deployment of the Irish Digital Sky demonstrator. The project seeks to leverage cutting-edge technologies and innovative approaches to transform the aviation landscape, ensuring safer and more efficient air transportation with seamless integration of ATM/UTM services.

Following this enlightening introduction, the floor was handed over to the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) to provide a comprehensive overview of the Air Navigation Service Provider\’s (ANSP) perspective on U-space. The IAA\’s insights shed light on the crucial role of U-space in shaping the future of aviation, emphasizing the need for enhanced collaboration and coordination among all stakeholders. The presentation sparked a stimulating discussion, as participants explored various aspects of U-space implementation and its potential impact on air traffic management.

Throughout the meeting, participants actively engaged in lively discussions, exchanging ideas, and fostering collaborations. The hybrid format allowed for seamless interaction between attendees physically present in Shannon, Ireland, and those joining virtually.

The success of this meeting serves as a testament to the commitment and dedication of the EALU-AER project members, FMCI, The Shannon Airport Group, Collins Aerospace, Avtrain, and DeepBlue, as well as IFATCA. With such collaborative endeavors, the aviation industry is poised to embrace transformative changes that will propel it into a new era of innovation and excellence.


IFATCA is an international collective of air traffic controller associations. It was established in 1961 and is the largest and most comprehensive representative body for air traffic control in the world.

IFATCA Technical and Operational Committee (TOC) is Chaired by Jaymi Steinberg (NATCA USA)  and Professional and Legal Committee (PLC) is chaired by David Perks Civil Air Australia

For more details about the organization please follow this link


ÉALÚ-AER is one of the first European Digital Sky Demonstrators to focus on U-space and Urban Air Mobility as part of the European ATM Master Plan designed by the SESAR Joint Undertaking (JU). SESAR JU aims at accelerating through research and innovation the delivery of an inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Digital European Sky.

Digital Sky Demonstrators, such as ÉALÚ-AER, are high-level Technology Readiness Level (TRL 7-8) projects that are funded in collaboration with the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) under the Connected Europe Facility (CEF) funding instrument.

ÉALÚ-AER partners include: FMCI (cooridnator), Collins Aerospace, The Shannon Airport Group, Avtrain, DeepBlue, Manna, IAA ANSP

For more details about the project, please follow this link:

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